
2012年2月6日—IneedsomehelptofindtheequivalentofApp.PathandApp.EXENameinVB.NetinaDLL.Thankyouforyourhelp ...,HowdoIgetmy.NETapplication'spathinVBorC#?.InVisualBasic6youcoulduseApp.Pathtoseewhereyourapplication'sexecutableresides.InVB.,VB取得系統路徑的方法.日期:2009年07月27日|作者:幻嵐.程式設計者在設計程式時,常常會需要用到一些...SubGetMeDir()'取得自身路徑Print本程式的路徑 ...,2010年2月7日—Fo...

What is the equivalent of App.Path and App.EXEName ...

2012年2月6日 — I need some help to find the equivalent of App.Path and App.EXEName in VB.Net in a DLL. Thank you for your help ...

Get the path to your VB or C# .NET application

How do I get my .NET application's path in VB or C#?. In Visual Basic 6 you could use App.Path to see where your application's executable resides. In VB.


VB取得系統路徑的方法. 日期:2009 年07 月27 日 |作者:幻嵐. 程式設計者在設計程式時,常常會需要用到一些 ... Sub GetMeDir() '取得自身路徑 Print 本程式的路徑 ...

Get program path in VB.NET?

2010年2月7日 — For that you can use the Application object. Startup path, just the folder, use Application.StartupPath() Dim appPath As String ...

Current Application Directory Name without full path

2020年12月27日 — Hi,. I would like to print the current directory name without showing the full path. With current directory I meant the current directory of ...

App.Path in VB .NET, Help Please??

2012年1月12日 — Hello: I have a code in vb6 that I'm upgrading to VB.Net as an ESRI Add-In. It has a config.ini file that the user can modify because we ...


2016年2月23日 — I'm working on a custom software to keep track of Maintenance tech's level of expertise. It is fully built with a database now, ...


2012年12月24日 — When the button is clicked, I want the file to be opened. The file will be in the same directory as the visual basic project.


2017年9月5日 — This will seem like a silly question for VB.NET experts, but I have a question about getting the applications root path, once deployed.

Application.StartupPath Property (System.Windows.Forms)

Gets the path for the executable file that started the application, not including the executable name.